How the Water Treatment Process Works – Life Cover Guide

Are you curious about what happens to the tap water once it is treatment? This is a brief overview of how water treatment functions.

If water is pumped into a treatment facility, treatment experts test its pH levels and the degree of dirtiness. They also remove any huge pieces of solid matter that get found in the water such as leaves, twigs and branches. This includes fish.

Following, they utilize sulfuric acid as well as aluminum sulfate to make the elements in the water coagulate into one mass which makes them much easier to eliminate.

After being treated with chemicals after which the water is pumped into an air flotation tank, where it gets mixed with clean water saturated with air. Air bubbles that are tiny in the water rise to the high point of the tank. These bubbles form a layer of sludge that is removed using a motor.

The water is then pushed through gravity filters with rapid speed that include the anthracite layer and an additional layer of sand. The coal and sand strain away other solids that did not be removed from the earlier actions.

In this stage, the water will appear clear and smooth, but there may be some contaminants such as pesticides. These chemicals can be removed through activated carbon.

In the final stage, disinfect water using chlorine. This will ensure that there is any harmful bacteria that are present in the water.

When all the actions are complete the water is now ready to be drank.


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